Source code for dammit.fileio.hmmer

# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Camille Scott
# All rights reserved.
# This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
# of the BSD license.  See the LICENSE file for details.

import re

import pandas as pd
from dammit.fileio.base import next_or_raise, convert_dtypes, ChunkParser

[docs]class HMMerParser(ChunkParser): columns = [('target_name', str), ('target_accession', str), ('tlen', int), ('query_name', str), ('query_accession', str), ('query_len', int), ('full_evalue', float), ('full_score', float), ('full_bias', float), ('domain_num', int), ('domain_total', int), ('domain_c_evalue', float), ('domain_i_evalue', float), ('domain_score', float), ('domain_bias', float), ('hmm_coord_from', int), ('hmm_coord_to', int), ('ali_coord_from', int), ('ali_coord_to', int), ('env_coord_from', int), ('env_coord_to', int), ('accuracy', float), ('description', str)] def __init__(self, filename, query_regex=None, query_basename='Transcript', **kwargs): if query_regex is None: self.query_regex = re.compile(r'(?P<name>{basename}_[0-9]*)'.format(basename=query_basename)) else: self.query_regex = query_regex super(HMMerParser, self).__init__(filename, **kwargs) def __iter__(self): '''Yields DataFrames of length chunksize from a given hmmscan result file. HMMER uses 1-based, fully open intervals. Another format of the devil. We convert to proper 0-based, half-open intervals. Args: fn (str): Path to the hmmscan file. chunksize (int): Hits per iteration. Yields: DataFrame: Pandas DataFrame with the hmmscan hits. ''' data = [] n_entries = 0 with open(self.filename) as fp: for n, ln in enumerate(fp): if not ln or ln.startswith('#'): continue tokens = ln.split() data.append(tokens[:len(self.columns)-1] + \ [' '.join(tokens[len(self.columns)-1:])]) n_entries += 1 if len(data) >= self.chunksize: yield self._build_df(data) data = [] if n_entries == 0: self.raise_empty() if data: yield self._build_df(data) def _build_df(self, data): if not data: self.raise_empty() def split_query(item): try: results = q = results['name'] except KeyError as e: e.message = 'Header regex should have a "name" field.' raise except AttributeError as e: e.message = 'No results from regex split; did something go '\ 'wrong with a custom --name?' return q df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=[k for k, _ in self.columns]) convert_dtypes(df, dict(self.columns)) df['full_query_name'] = df.query_name df['query_name'] = df.query_name.apply(split_query) # fix the evil coordinate system df.hmm_coord_from = df.hmm_coord_from - 1 df.ali_coord_from = df.ali_coord_from - 1 df.env_coord_from = df.env_coord_from - 1 return df