Source code for dammit.fileio.maf

# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Camille Scott
# All rights reserved.
# This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
# of the BSD license.  See the LICENSE file for details.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from dammit.fileio.base import ChunkParser, next_or_raise, convert_dtypes

[docs]class MafParser(ChunkParser): columns = [('E', float), ('EG2', float), ('q_aln_len', int), ('q_len', int), ('q_name', str), ('q_start', int), ('q_strand', str), ('s_aln_len', int), ('s_len', int), ('s_name', str), ('s_start', int), ('s_strand', str), ('score', float), ('bitscore', float)] def __init__(self, filename, aln_strings=False, chunksize=10000, **kwargs): self.aln_strings = aln_strings self.LAMBDA = None self.K = None super(MafParser, self).__init__(filename, chunksize=chunksize, **kwargs) def __iter__(self): '''Iterator yielding DataFrames of length chunksize holding MAF alignments. An extra column is added for bitscore, using the equation described here: Args: fn (str): Path to the MAF alignment file. chunksize (int): Alignments to parse per iteration. Yields: DataFrame: Pandas DataFrame with the alignments. ''' data = [] n_entries = 0 with open(self.filename) as fp: guarded_next = next_or_raise(fp) while (True): line = guarded_next(raise_exc=False) if line == '': break line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line.startswith('#'): if 'lambda' in line: meta = line.strip(' #').split() meta = {k:v for k, _, v in map(lambda x: x.partition('='), meta)} self.LAMBDA = float(meta['lambda']) self.K = float(meta['K']) else: continue if line.startswith('a'): n_entries += 1 cur_aln = {} # Alignment info tokens = line.split() for token in tokens[1:]: key, _, val = token.strip().partition('=') cur_aln[key] = float(val) # First sequence info line = guarded_next() tokens = line.split() cur_aln['s_name'] = tokens[1] cur_aln['s_start'] = int(tokens[2]) cur_aln['s_aln_len'] = int(tokens[3]) cur_aln['s_strand'] = tokens[4] cur_aln['s_len'] = int(tokens[5]) if self.aln_strings: cur_aln['s_aln'] = tokens[6] # First sequence info line = guarded_next() tokens = line.split() cur_aln['q_name'] = tokens[1] cur_aln['q_start'] = int(tokens[2]) cur_aln['q_aln_len'] = int(tokens[3]) cur_aln['q_strand'] = tokens[4] cur_aln['q_len'] = int(tokens[5]) if self.aln_strings: cur_aln['q_aln'] = tokens[6] data.append(cur_aln) if len(data) >= self.chunksize: if self.LAMBDA is None: raise RuntimeError("old version of lastal; please update") yield self._build_df(data) data = [] if n_entries == 0: self.raise_empty() if data: yield self._build_df(data) def _build_df(self, data): if not data: self.raise_empty() def _fix_sname(name): new, _, _ = name.partition(',') return new df = pd.DataFrame(data) df['s_name'] = df['s_name'].apply(_fix_sname) setattr(df, 'LAMBDA', self.LAMBDA) setattr(df, 'K', self.K) df['bitscore'] = (self.LAMBDA * df['score'] - np.log(self.K)) / np.log(2) return df