Source code for dammit.tasks.hmmer

# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Camille Scott
# All rights reserved.
# This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
# of the BSD license.  See the LICENSE file for details.

from doit.action import CmdAction
from doit.task import clean_targets
import os
import pandas as pd
from sys import stderr

from dammit.tasks.utils import DependentTask, InstallationError
from dammit.profile import profile_task
from dammit.parallel import parallel_fasta
from dammit.fileio.hmmer import HMMerParser
from dammit.fileio.gff3 import GFF3Parser 
from dammit.utils import doit_task, which

[docs]class HMMScanTask(DependentTask):
[docs] def deps(self): hmmscan = which('hmmscan') if hmmscan is None: raise InstallationError('hmmscan not found.') if self.logger: self.logger.debug('hmmscan:' + hmmscan) return hmmscan
[docs] @doit_task @profile_task def task(self, input_filename, output_filename, db_filename, cutoff=0.00001, n_threads=1, sshloginfile=None, params=None): '''Run HMMER's hmmscan with the given database on the given FASTA file. Args: input_filename (str): The path to the input FASTA. output_filename (str): Path to save the results. db_filename (str): Path to the formatted database. cutoff (float): The e-value cutoff to filter with. n_threads (int): Number of threads to use. pbs (bool): If True, pass the right parameters to gnu-parallel to run on a cluster. params (list): Extra parameters to pass to executable. Returns: dict: A doit task. ''' name = 'hmmscan:' + os.path.basename(input_filename) + '.x.' + \ os.path.basename(db_filename) stat = output_filename + '.hmmscan.out' hmmscan_exc = self.deps() cmd = [hmmscan_exc] if params is not None: cmd.extend([str(p) for p in params]) cmd.extend(['--cpu', '1', '--domtblout', '/dev/stdout', '-E', str(cutoff), '-o', stat, db_filename, '/dev/stdin']) cmd = parallel_fasta(input_filename, output_filename, cmd, n_threads, sshloginfile=sshloginfile) return {'name': name, 'actions': [cmd], 'file_dep': [input_filename, db_filename, db_filename+'.h3p'], 'targets': [output_filename, stat], 'clean': [clean_targets]}
[docs]class HMMPressTask(DependentTask):
[docs] def deps(self): hmmpress = which('hmmpress') if hmmpress is None: raise InstallationError('hmmpress not found.') if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug('hmmpress:' + hmmpress) return hmmpress
[docs] @doit_task @profile_task def task(self, db_filename, params=None, task_dep=None): '''Run hmmpress on a profile HMM database. Args: db_filename (str): The database to run on. params (list): Extra parameters to pass to executable. task_dep (str): Task dep to add to doit task. Returns: dict: A doit task. ''' name = 'hmmpress:' + os.path.basename(db_filename) exc = self.deps() cmd = [exc] if params is not None: cmd.extend([str(p) for p in params]) cmd.append(db_filename) cmd = ' '.join(cmd) task_d = {'name': name, 'actions': [cmd], 'targets': [db_filename + ext for ext in ['.h3f', '.h3i', '.h3m', '.h3p']], 'uptodate': [True], 'clean': [clean_targets]} if task_dep is not None: task_d['task_dep'] = task_dep return task_d
[docs]@doit_task def get_remap_hmmer_task(hmmer_filename, remap_gff_filename, output_filename, transcript_basename='Transcript'): '''Given an hmmscan result from the ORFs generated by `TransDecoder.LongOrfs` and TransDecoder's GFF3, remap the HMMER results so that they refer to the original nucleotide coordinates rather than the translated ORF coordinates. Produces a CSV file with columns matching those in HMMerParser. Args: hmmer_filename (str): Path to the `hmmscan` results. remap_gff_filename (str): The GFF3 produced by `TransDecoder.LongOrfs`. output_filename (str): Path to store remapped results. Returns: dict: A doit task. ''' name = 'remap_hmmer:{0}'.format(os.path.basename(hmmer_filename)) def cmd(): gff_df = GFF3Parser(remap_gff_filename).read() hmmer_df = HMMerParser(hmmer_filename, query_basename=transcript_basename).read() if len(gff_df) > 0 and len(hmmer_df) > 0: merged_df = pd.merge(hmmer_df, gff_df, left_on='full_query_name', right_on='ID') hmmer_df['env_coord_from'] = (merged_df.start + \ (3 * merged_df.env_coord_from)).astype(int) hmmer_df['env_coord_to'] = (merged_df.start + \ (3 * merged_df.env_coord_to)).astype(int) hmmer_df['ali_coord_from'] = (merged_df.start + \ (3 * merged_df.ali_coord_from)).astype(int) hmmer_df['ali_coord_to'] = (merged_df.start + \ (3 * merged_df.ali_coord_to)).astype(int) hmmer_df.to_csv(output_filename, header=True, index=False) return {'name': name, 'actions': [cmd], 'file_dep': [hmmer_filename, remap_gff_filename], 'targets': [output_filename], 'clean': [clean_targets]}