Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Camille Scott
# All rights reserved.
# This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
# of the BSD license.  See the LICENSE file for details.

import os
import sys
import hashlib
import gzip

from doit.action import CmdAction
from doit.exceptions import TaskFailed
from import LongRunning, run_once
from doit.task import clean_targets

from dammit.tasks.utils import clean_folder
from dammit.utils import which, doit_task

[docs]def hashfile(path, hasher=None, blocksize=65536): """ A function to hash files. See: """ if hasher is None: hasher = hashlib.md5() try: try: f =, "rb") buf = except OSError: f = open(path, "rb") buf = except FileNotFoundError: raise RuntimeError('Function hashfile could not find referenced file.'\ ' Is there a problem with curl?') while len(buf) > 0: hasher.update(buf) buf = f.close() return hasher.hexdigest()
[docs]def check_hash(target_fn, expected): print(' * Checking hash of {0}'.format(target_fn), file=sys.stderr) if expected == hashfile(target_fn): return True else: os.remove(target_fn) return TaskFailed('{0} has non-matching hash; download error?'.format(target_fn))
[docs]@doit_task def get_download_task(url, target_fn, md5=None, metalink=None): '''Creates a doit task to download the given URL. Args: url (str): URL to download. target_fn (str): Target for the download. Returns: dict: doit task. ''' cmd = ['curl', '-o', target_fn] if metalink is not None: cmd.extend(['--metalink', metalink]) cmd.append(url) cmd = ' '.join(cmd) name = 'download:{0}'.format(os.path.basename(target_fn)) actions = [LongRunning(cmd)] if md5 is not None: actions.append((check_hash, [target_fn, md5])) return {'name': name, 'actions': actions, 'targets': [target_fn], 'clean': [clean_targets], 'uptodate': [True]}
[docs]@doit_task def get_untargz_task(archive_fn, target_dir, label=None): '''Create a doit task to untar and gunip a *.tar.gz archive. Args: archive_fn (str): The .tar.gz file. target_dir (str): The folder to untar into. label (str): Optional label to resolve doit task name conflicts. Returns: dict: doit task. ''' if label is None: label = os.path.basename(url) cmd = 'tar -xzf -C {target_dir} {archive_fn}'.format(**locals()) name = 'untargz:{0}-{1}'.format(os.path.basename(target_dir), label) done = os.path.join(target_dir, name) + '.done' touch = 'touch {done}'.format(done=done) return {'name': name, 'actions': ['mkdir -p {0}'.format(target_dir), LongRunning(cmd), touch], 'targets': [done], 'clean': [(clean_folder, [target_dir])], 'uptodate': [True]}
[docs]@doit_task def get_gunzip_task(archive_fn, target_fn): '''Create a doit task to gunzip a gzip archive. Args: archive_fn (str): The gzip file. target_fn (str): Output filename. Returns: dict: doit task. ''' name = 'gunzip:{0}'.format(os.path.basename(target_fn)) cmd = 'gunzip -c {archive_fn} > {target_fn}'.format(**locals()) return {'name': name, 'actions': [LongRunning(cmd)], 'file_dep': [archive_fn], 'targets': [target_fn], 'clean': [clean_targets], 'uptodate': [True]}
[docs]@doit_task def get_download_and_gunzip_task(url, target_fn): '''Create a doit task which downloads and gunzips a file. Args: url (str): URL to download. target_fn (str): Target file for the download. Returns: dict: doit task. ''' cmd = 'curl {url} | gunzip -c > {target_fn}'.format(**locals()) name = 'download_and_gunzip:{0}'.format(os.path.basename(target_fn)) return {'name': name, 'actions': [LongRunning(cmd)], 'targets': [target_fn], 'clean': [clean_targets], 'uptodate': [True]}
[docs]@doit_task def get_download_and_untar_task(url, target_dir, label=None): '''Create a doit task to download a file and untar it in the given directory. Args: url (str): URL to download. target_dir (str: Directory to put the untarred folder in. label (str): Optional label to resolve doit name conflicts when putting multiple results in the same folder. Returns: dict: doit task. ''' if label is None: label = os.path.basename(url) cmd1 = 'mkdir -p {target_dir}; curl {url} | tar -xz -C {target_dir}'.format(**locals()) name = 'download_and_untar:{0}-{1}'.format(os.path.basename(target_dir), label) done = os.path.join(target_dir, name) + '.done' cmd2 = 'touch {done}'.format(done=done) return {'name': name, 'actions': [LongRunning(cmd1), cmd2], 'targets': [done], 'clean': [(clean_folder, [target_dir])], 'uptodate': [True]}
[docs]@doit_task def get_cat_task(file_list, target_fn): '''Create a doit task to `cat` together the given files and pipe the result to the given target. Args: file_list (list): The files to `cat`. target_fn (str): The target file. Returns: dict: A doit task. ''' cmd = 'cat {files} > {t}'.format(files=' '.join(file_list), t=target_fn) return {'name': 'cat:' + os.path.basename(target_fn), 'actions': [cmd], 'file_dep': file_list, 'targets': [target_fn], 'clean': [clean_targets]}